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2022.05.18 14:41

T. Rach - 0001

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Name: Rachel Ann Sales
Nickname: Teacher Rach (0001)
Location: Baguio
Rate: 9 ~ 15 $(USD) / 50 minutes
  6 ~ 11 $(USD) / 25 minutes
KaTalk ID: zxyne2a2    
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College graduate
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Work Experience

2010 to 2011: Baguio International Academy
2012 to 2015: Sparta Monol International
2015 to 2016: Chung Dahm Incorporated
Most recent: SpeakUP

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    notos 2022.05.23 13:28
    레이치 선생님 추천해요~
  • ?
    자이조이 2022.05.30 22:14
    샘 너무 좋아요! 다시 바기오 가고 시포요~~
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    훈이라고해 2022.06.03 12:41
    I wrote a intro? 가입인사 썻어요 ㅋ
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    화이난 2022.06.03 17:30
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    sailence 2022.06.03 18:19
    19년도에 어학연수로 바기오에 갔었는데 특히 가까워지기 쉬운 선생님이였어요. 친구같이 가르치시니 긴장없이 재밌게 수업했었습니다. 4개월간 공부했었는데, 단 한번도 바꾸지 않고 함께한 선생님입니다. 부드러우면서 차분하게 친구같이 정말 좋은말은 다 사용해서 묘사해야 할 것 같네요. 화상영어를 할 생각이 있다면 상냥한 레이치 선생님을 추천합니다. ^^
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    김현석 2022.06.05 15:25
    오늘 수업했는데 괜찬음!
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    siwoom77 2022.06.08 15:53
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    형아야 2022.06.11 16:08
    발음 훌륭함, 강력 추천!
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    맛동산 2022.06.22 20:18
    Long time no see! My name is CK!
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    Forever99 2022.06.24 18:12
    우리 헤드티처 선생님~ 😍😍😍
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    삼성맨 2022.06.25 22:36
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    그레이스 2022.06.28 16:28
    How are you? Do you still remember me? I am Grace, I was there A+ back in 2019 maybe! I hope that everything is ok with you!
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    서락별 2022.06.30 12:51
    처음 시작이 머뭇거려지는 분이 있담면 Rach 헤드티처쌤을 추천해요! 저는 헤드티처를 통해 Jay쌤하고 수업하고 있는데 정말 대만족합니다~
  • ?
    acmilkiom 2022.07.04 13:46
    수업 추천해요~ 시간 잘 확인하세요 ^^
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    허삼관 2022.07.05 08:55
    Hi. Teacher
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    연희짱 2022.07.08 19:24
    프로필 잘 봤습니다~
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    현지인 2022.07.16 09:03
    Wish you the best of luck!
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    서진 2022.08.07 20:12
    추천합니다! 😊😊😊😊😊
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    kee 2022.08.11 16:28
    Hello Teacher Rach.
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    0657_Gigi 2023.09.14 14:49
    Hello T. Rach, I was once an active member in this community. I had to stop because of health reasons, can I ask a huge favor from you? Can you delete all my information on the site because I can still access my account and it’s on google. I tried deleting my information but it won’t let me, only admins can do it for me. I sent you a message on facebook messenger please check and teacher number is 0657_Gigi Thank you.

Teacher's profiles

The order in this list is based on updates

  1. T. Rach - 0001

    Introduction : The key to learning anything is consistency. If you want to be consistent, then you should choose ways to learn English that are interesting and enjoyable that you will want to keep doing them. That goes without saying that choosing the right teacher to study English with is also impor...
    CategoryH.T. By0001_Rach Reply20 Views944 Votes17 file
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  2. T. Jo - 0382

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Jo. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a cl...
    CategoryPopular By0382_Jo Reply16 Views317 Votes9 file
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  3. T. Flowne - 0666

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Flowne. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have ...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply9 Views235 Votes2 file
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  4. T. Joy - 0667

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Joy. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies By0667Joy Reply8 Views212 Votes1 file
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  5. T. Kia - 0663

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Kia. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies By0663_Kia Reply9 Views212 Votes3 file
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  6. T. Kat - 0665

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Kat. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies By0665_Kat Reply9 Views216 Votes1 file
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  7. T. Mei - 0662

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Mei. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies By0663_Kia Reply7 Views209 Votes1 file
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  8. T. Jackie - 0661

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Jackie. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have ...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply5 Views78 Votes1 file
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  9. T. Ellie - 0659

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Ellie. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
    CategoryNewbies By0659_Ellie Reply6 Views76 Votes2 file
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  10. T. Cristina - 0664

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Cristina. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and hav...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply2 Views71 Votes1 file
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Top 2 0482_Lilymay 109888
Top 3 0382_Jo 39610
Top 4 0341_Gee 26850
Top 5 0024_Camille 18580
Top 6 0168_Mary 12495
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