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2022.05.19 01:02

T. Jo - 0382

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Name: Johanna Ruth Tolosa
Nickname: Teacher Jo (0382)
Location: Baguio
Rate: 7 ~ 9 $(USD) / 50 minutes
  4 ~ 5 $(USD) / 25 minutes
KaTalk ID: (Undisclosed)    
※ Katalk ID is not shown as per teacher's request.
※ Click on the button below to apply. (free class)
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Bachelor in Child Development and Education

Work Experience

1999 ~ 2001: ABC's of ACE and Primary Level Learning Centers
2002 ~ 2004: Northridge Academy
(Preschool Department Head/Preschool Teacher)
2006 ~ 2008: Choice and Success International Language Academy, Inc
(ESL Department Manager and Teacher)
2008 ~ 2009: Distributed WEbsite Corporation, USA
(BPO/Account Manager)
2011 ~ 2012: Private Merticulli, LLC and Drum Teacher Ned, USA
(BPO/Project Manager/Virtual Assistant)
2011 ~ 2012: Island International School (Head Teacher)
2013 ~ 2017: Viva Entertainment
(Movie Translator/Reviewer)
2006 ~ 2016: The Reed Basket Activity and Learning Center
2017 ~ 2019: Private After School Tutor
2020 ~ Present: Freelance Transcriptionist and Closed Captioner
Present: Private Online ESL Teacher

  • profile
    notos 2022.05.23 15:13
    Experienced teacher~
  • profile
    삼성맨 2022.06.04 16:28
    연륜 투!
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    Robie 2022.06.30 14:09

    Sounds like a fun teacher! Your students are lucky! <3

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    아인 2022.07.04 18:30
    정말 편안한 선생님, 용기가 부족하거나, 화상영어가 첨이라면 Jo 선생님 강추합니다! 후기도 남겼습니다 ^__^
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    SpeakUP 2022.07.05 12:32
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    Steph 2022.07.08 18:32
    One of the experienced teachers here in SpeakUp. More fun and exciting classes to come!
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    0345_Mie 2022.07.08 18:46
    Hello. Teacher Jo! Your students are indeed lucky. ^^
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    Vanz 2022.07.09 17:14
    She's a very experienced teacher!
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    cams 2022.07.10 21:16
    NIce to meet you Teacher Jo!^^
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    현지인 2022.07.16 08:52
    Wish you the best of luck!
  • ?
    DonnaMae 2022.07.19 18:28
    You are a very experienced Teacher maam
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    Sheila 2022.09.14 09:27
    Hello Teacher Jo, your list of teaching experiences is impressive! Your students will surely learn a lot from you.^^
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    Rhea 2022.09.14 17:09
    Way to go Teacher!
  • ?
    gigi 2022.09.14 18:17
    Hello Teacher Jo. Impressive ESL background. :)
  • profile
    Kia 2022.09.21 21:10
    What an experienced teacher!
  • profile
    Kat 2022.09.22 20:08
    Hi teacher!

Teacher's profiles

The order in this list is based on updates

  1. T. Rach - 0001

    Introduction : The key to learning anything is consistency. If you want to be consistent, then you should choose ways to learn English that are interesting and enjoyable that you will want to keep doing them. That goes without saying that choosing the right teacher to study English with is also impor...
    CategoryH.T. By0001_Rach Reply20 Views944 Votes17 file
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  2. T. Jo - 0382

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Jo. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a cl...
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  3. T. Flowne - 0666

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Flowne. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have ...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply9 Views235 Votes2 file
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  4. T. Joy - 0667

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Joy. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
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  5. T. Kia - 0663

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Kia. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
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  6. T. Kat - 0665

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Kat. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies By0665_Kat Reply9 Views216 Votes1 file
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  7. T. Mei - 0662

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Mei. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies By0663_Kia Reply7 Views209 Votes1 file
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  8. T. Jackie - 0661

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Jackie. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have ...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply5 Views78 Votes1 file
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  9. T. Ellie - 0659

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Ellie. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
    CategoryNewbies By0659_Ellie Reply6 Views76 Votes2 file
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  10. T. Cristina - 0664

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Cristina. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and hav...
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Activity Ranking

Rank    PSM Teachers Point
Top 1 0345_Mie 155944
Top 2 0482_Lilymay 109882
Top 3 0382_Jo 39610
Top 4 0341_Gee 26850
Top 5 0024_Camille 18580
Top 6 0168_Mary 12495
Top 7 0564_Amy 6025
Top 8 0027_Grace 5174
Top 9 0285_Jay 3799
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