Speaking: You did a wonderful job today, Emily. Great job in answering all the questions well and tried your best to answer in complete sentences. You did a great job in correcting some of your mistakes. Keep it up, Emily!
Vocabulary: You know most of the words in the passage that you've read. Great job! Just remember this word:
perpetuate – to cause something to continue
Listening Comprehension: Great job in understanding all the questions, today. You also understand my follow up questions and were able to keep up with the normal speaking pace. Keep it up Emily!
Grammar: Great job in making complete sentences today. Here are some of your errors;
Error: Delivery food to old people.
Correction: Deliver food to old people who lives alone.
Error: Lottery tickets give them happy.
Correction: Lottery tickets make them happy.
Pronunciation: Very good job in pronouncing almost all the words correctly, keep it up, Emily! Just practice this word, Emily;
perpetuate /pr-peh-choo-ayt/