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2022.09.19 14:31


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가입인사 쓰기 (Greeting)
1. 간단한 개인 소개 부탁 드립니다. 일, 취미, 특기 등
(Give a short self-introduction)
  Good Day! My name is Teacher Michelle. I earned a Bachelor of Secondary Education at one of the most performing schools in our place which is Tarlac State University. I live in Tarlac City, Philippines. Nice to meet you everyone.  
2. 학생(일반회원)이세요? 혹은 선생님이세요?
(Are you a Student or a Teacher?)
A teahcer
3. 필선모는 무료 중개 커뮤니티라는 거 알고 있으시죠? ^^
(Do you know that PSM is a free match-up community? ^^)
I just recently learned about PSM, so I don't have an idea.

Say Hello

This is the greeting section

List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
66 Hello! let me tell you about myself 1 Pets 2022.10.17
65 Hello! Mabuhay! 안녕하세요~ 3 file Lina 2022.09.13
64 Hey Hey Hey :) 0561_Alyssa 2022.07.08
63 Hi 2 허삼관 2022.07.05
62 Hi I'm Grace 2 그레이스 2022.06.28
61 Hi! I'm Teacher Shen 1 0491_Shen 2022.07.25
60 Intro 1 Fer 2022.09.19
59 Introduction 1 Jane 2022.10.19
58 Introduction 1 Sheila 2022.09.14
57 Introduction 1 Cherry 2022.09.13
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Top 1 0345_Mie 59843
Top 2 0482_Lilymay 39823
Top 3 0382_Jo 19363
Top 4 0341_Gee 16886
Top 5 0024_Camille 14716
Top 6 0168_Mary 8767
Top 7 0564_Amy 5485
Top 8 0027_Grace 4068
Top 9 0285_Jay 3372
Top 10 0375_Star 3350