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2022.09.22 20:06

T. Kat ( self introduction)

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가입인사 쓰기 (Greeting)
1. 간단한 개인 소개 부탁 드립니다. 일, 취미, 특기 등
(Give a short self-introduction)

Hi students, I’m T. Kathleen from the Philippines. I am an English teacher by profession and have been a teacher for 7 years.  I graduated as a high school English teacher in the year 2014 and I  was able to teach in private schools for years. I also applied to ESL companies wherein I taught Koreans, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese students. My recent job was teaching ESL in Cambodia for 2 1/2 years. My experiences in teaching ENGLISH locally and internationally honed me to teach my students effectively in reading, grammar, vocabulary and speaking.   I do have experience in teaching ESL, IELTS, and TOEIC for years already. 

 I always create fun and engaging lessons. It’s a student-centered class as I encourage my students to speak as much as possible. I make sure that at the end of the class, my students will be able to have the confidence to speak, with accuracy in their English.

I look forward to speaking with you.

2. 학생(일반회원)이세요? 혹은 선생님이세요?
(Are you a Student or a Teacher?)
I am a teacher.
3. 필선모는 무료 중개 커뮤니티라는 거 알고 있으시죠? ^^
(Do you know that PSM is a free match-up community? ^^)



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This is the greeting section

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