: Good day dear students and fellow teachers. My name is Teacher Mary or you can call me Teacher ‘Dindin’. I believe that "It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." So, let's learn together and let me be a part of your journey. See you in my class and let's have fun.
Name: | Mary Faith Dagatan | ||||
Nickname: | Teacher Mary (0168) | ||||
Location: | (Undisclosed) | ||||
Rate: | 7 ~ 9 | $(USD) | / 50 minutes | ||
5 ~ 6 | $(USD) | / 25 minutes | |||
KaTalk ID: | (Undisclosed) | ||||
※ Katalk ID is not shown as per teacher's request. | |||||
※ Click on the button below to apply. (free class) |
![coming soon](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/68/72/44/240_F_368724450_LOznwqsByeoZaoYB1O1W1lPgwZC3NSdZ.jpg)
![coming soon](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/68/72/44/240_F_368724450_LOznwqsByeoZaoYB1O1W1lPgwZC3NSdZ.jpg)