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2022.05.18 22:21

T. Annie - 0259

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Name: Anegiel Calma
Nickname: Teacher Annie (0259)
Location: Sacan Porac
Rate: 6 ~ 8 $(USD) / 50 minutes
  4 ~ 5 $(USD) / 25 minutes
KaTalk ID: (Undisclosed)    
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※ Click on the button below to apply. (free class)
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Bachelor in Business Administration
Major in Marketing

Work Experience

2019 to Present: 51 Talk (Online ESL Teacher)
Present: Private Online ESL Teacher

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    현지인 2022.07.16 08:58
    Wish you the best of luck!
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    0341_Gee 2022.08.04 23:49
    Hi, Teacher Annie~ welcome to the community!! Have a great time ^-^

Teacher's profiles

The order in this list is based on updates

  1. T. Pat - 0075

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Pat. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
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  2. T. Angie - 0643

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Angie. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
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  3. T. Annie - 0259

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Annie and I’m one of the teachers in the PSM community. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in E...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply2 Views45 Votes1
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  4. T. Jessy - 0640

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Jessy. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply7 Views74 Votes3 file
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  5. T. Euri - 0604

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Euri. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a ...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply9 Views70 Votes2
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  6. T. Mela - 0295

    Introduction : Hello there! I'm Teacher Mela. A lot of people are having second thoughts in deciding to learn a new language. But, did you know that learning English could be fun. One of the great things about learning English is that it connects you to people all around the world. In my class, I can...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply7 Views112 Votes3
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  7. T. Dee - 0601

    Introduction : Hello! I am Teacher Dace, here in PSM you will learn how to speak and understand English with the help of the mentors. I am here to help you achieve your goal, which is to communicate by speaking and writing using the English Language. It may be difficult to learn a new language, but t...
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  8. T. Mau - 0327

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Mau. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
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  9. T. Anna - 0021

    Introduction : Hi my dears! Welcome to Anna’s World of English. Come and join me discover the crazy world of English! Together, we will memorize, practice, read and write the universal language! Remember the best way to learn English by heart is by having fun! If you want that kind of class, then boo...
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  10. T, Emz - 0320

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Emz. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies By0320_Emz Reply5 Views56 Votes1 file
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