: Hello there! My name is Teacher Gepe. Reading comprehension is what I am good at. It is satisfying for me to see students learning new vocabulary every day. Rest assured that I'll be guiding you to improve your oral communication skills. The impoprtant part of teaching is for students to be comfortable and interested in learning English. You'll surely be both in my class!
Name: | Gepe Rose Alvero | ||||
Nickname: | Teacher Gepe (0293) | ||||
Location: | Baguio | ||||
Rate: | 6 ~ 8 | $(USD) | / 50 minutes | ||
4 ~ 5 | $(USD) | / 25 minutes | |||
KaTalk ID: | (Undisclosed) | ||||
※ Katalk ID is not shown as per teacher's request. | |||||
※ Click on the button below to apply. (free class) |
![coming soon](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/68/72/44/240_F_368724450_LOznwqsByeoZaoYB1O1W1lPgwZC3NSdZ.jpg)
![coming soon](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/68/72/44/240_F_368724450_LOznwqsByeoZaoYB1O1W1lPgwZC3NSdZ.jpg)