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2022.05.21 18:12

T. Disney - 0611

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Name: Jenna Aguilar
Nickname: Teacher Disney (0611)
Location: (Undisclosed)
Rate: 6 ~ 8 $(USD) / 50 minutes
  4 ~ 5 $(USD) / 25 minutes
KaTalk ID: (Undisclosed)    
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Bachelor's Degree in Computer Programming

Work Experience

2013 to 2015: GGE Phils Inc. Clark
(Online ESL Teacher
2016: American English Learning Center
(Offline ESL Teacher)
2016 to 2017: NCLUB Inc (Online ESL Teacher)
2017 to 2018: APM Travel & Tours (Travel Assistant)
Present: Private Online ESL Teacher

Teacher's profiles

The order in this list is based on updates

  1. T. Gail - 0076

    Introduction : What’s up! Teacher Gail here.I see that English has a lot of topics that confuse learners. It is like a wide ocean we need to sail on to be able to know and understand its rules so we could master its usage. As an English teacher, I can only promise you my dedication to provide you wha...
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  2. T. Belle - 0620

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Belle. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply1 Views187 Votes1 file
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  3. T. Disney - 0611

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Disney. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have ...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply1 Views31 Votes1
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  4. T. Jas - 0532

    Introduction : Hi there! My name is Teacher Jas. Teaching is very fulfilling because I enjoy meeting and talking to many people and learning about their life and culture. I also have this passion to share my knowledge and skills to those who might need it. I hope that my future students will be relax...
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  5. T. Henra - 0635

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Henra. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
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  6. T. Janet - 0488

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Janet. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply2 Views96 Votes1
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  7. T. Lyn - 0290

    Introduction : Hi! My name is Lyn. When it comes to learning, I always believe that 'practice makes perfect' or 'practice is the ket to master it'. I always value all students and I do my very best to assist them in achieving their goals in learning the English language. So, book a class and learn En...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply5 Views37 Votes1
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  8. T. Chena Joy - 0261

    Introduction : Hello everyone! My name is Teacher Chena Joy~I'm open-minded, enthusiastic, and I love sharing stories with my students. Handling students is undeniably a challenge. It's a test of persistence to how far and wide our understanding would be like. But, don't worry. I'll be with you every...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply3 Views59 Votes1
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  9. T. Vanz - 0636

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Vanz. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a ...
    CategoryNewbies By0636_Vanz Reply5 Views42 Votes1 file
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  10. T. Jordan - 0025

    Introduction : Hi there! I am Teacher Jordan and I have been an ESL teacher for about five years now. I am in the process of building a powerhouse of knowledge that I am willing to impart to my students. If you are ready to start your journey to learn English, or you would just like to brush up on wh...
    CategoryActive By0025_Jordan Reply3 Views48 Votes2
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