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2022.08.23 15:34

T. Gly - 0648

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Name: Glybelle Javison
Nickname: Teacher Gly (0648)
Location: Cebu
Rate: 6 ~ 8 $(USD) / 50 minutes
  4 ~ 5 $(USD) / 25 minutes
KaTalk ID: (Undisclosed)    
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College graduate
Major in Social Studies

Work Experience

2015: On the Job Training at Philippine School for the Deaf
2021: Practicum at University of Cebu Main Campus
(Junior High School Department)

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    0638_Cams 2022.08.23 22:33
    Hi Teacher Gly~!!^^ Welcome to PSM~!!^^
  • ?
    0320_Emz 2022.08.24 05:30
    Welcome to PSM Community teacher Gly! Looking forward to see you in our meetings!🥰🥰
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    0341_Gee 2022.08.25 09:12
    Hi Teacher Gly~ Hugs to welcome you here in PSM~~ See you at the Teacher's meeting.
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    Cherry 2022.09.13 14:06
    Hi, T.Gly. Wow! You have been teaching for quite some time already. Surely your students will learn a lot from you. :)
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    Merry 2022.09.13 14:43
    Hello Teacher Gly! You're so pretty

Teacher's profiles

The order in this list is based on updates

  1. T. Kathy - 0647

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Kathy. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
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  2. T. Gly - 0648

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Gly. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply5 Views52 Votes4 file
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  3. T. Shy - 0645

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Shy. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a c...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply5 Views46 Votes2 file
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  4. T. Lai Rah - 0646

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Lai Rah. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply3 Views37 Votes2 file
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  5. T. Robie - 0633

    Introduction : Hi, everyone! I’m Teacher Robie. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite a while now and like the other teachers in PSM, I hope that I’ll be given the opportunity to share my knowledge and use my skills to help my students learn or improve in English. Let me be one of your teachers and have a...
    CategoryActive By0633_Robie Reply5 Views55 Votes3 file
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  6. T. Grace - 0027

    Introduction : As the saying goes best teachers elevate the mind and give energy to the character. If you are eager to prove it right then try it now with me for a better result. Learning English is a continuous process. The earlier you start, the better you will be. So, what are you waiting for? See...
    CategoryActive By0027_Grace Reply7 Views161 Votes6
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  7. T. Reya - 0199

    Introduction : Hello~ I'm Teacher Reya. When it comes to teaching, expect my class to be fun, engaging, and interactive. My teaching strategy usually includes visualization, total physical response, and cooperative learning for group classes. I believe that every student can learn just not on the sam...
    CategoryActive By0199_Reya Reply9 Views113 Votes6 file
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  8. T. Grace - 0077

    Introduction : I must say that I really find my passion in teaching. Teaching English is a big challenge for me because it takes a lot of effort and patience. It gives me a sense of fulfillment when my student learns a lot from me. I am here to develop your English skills both written and oral. I wil...
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  9. T. Joy - 0610

    Introduction : Hi! I'm Teacher Joy. How are you doing today? You may be having issues learning English and require assistance from someone who can help you learn more quickly and efficiently. Maybe I'm the person you're looking for! I've been teaching ESL for almost a year now. Teacher Joy is at your...
    CategoryActive By0610_Joy Reply5 Views64 Votes2
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  10. T. Aubrey - 0242

    Introduction : Hi! My name is Teacher Aubrey. Teaching English is one of the things I enjoy the most. It gives me the opportunity to share my knowledge and be able to know the culture of others. Mjy teaching skills are very dynamic. My classes are always fun and creative. I'm interested in many diffe...
    CategoryNewbies ByPROFILE Reply10 Views174 Votes4
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Top 1 0345_Mie 153091
Top 2 0482_Lilymay 105176
Top 3 0382_Jo 38736
Top 4 0341_Gee 26603
Top 5 0024_Camille 18536
Top 6 0168_Mary 12430
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