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2022.08.25 10:37

Student Brian: Teacher Rach

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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Date 2022.08.23 07:00 Korean time
Topic Business English: Invading Taiwan Is No Easy Task for Beijing

Speaking: Great job for doing very well in expressing what you know about the topics we had using appropriate words and phrases most of the time. You had only a few grammar errors. You were able to correct yourself after I pointed out the correction. You should self-correct more often. Most of your errors are in vocabulary.

Grammar: Please take note of your common errors:

count nouns:

You said: If there is little people...

Correct: If there are a few people...


You said: The US would lose control from...

Correct: The US would lose control over...

​Vocabulary: Please take note of these words and phrases:

- midnight, dawn

​- outdated: old-fashioned

- acquired taste: something that you dislike at first, but that you start to like after you have tried it a few times

- the "it": (informal)

(in children's games) the player who has to catch the others.

- de jure: by right; according to law (distinguished from de facto)

- annex something: ex: The United States annexed parts of Texas and New Mexico, which belonged to Mexico.



You said: I don't want to spend time detour.

Correct: I don't want to spend time making a detour.

You said: Moving a company and getting along with people is definitely arduous.

Better: Moving to another company and getting along with people is definitely arduous.

Class Feedback

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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
171 Student Joopro: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2022.08.31
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169 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.08.31
168 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.31
167 Student Myutch: Teacher Grace 0027_Grace 2022.08.31
166 Student Dana: Teacher Grace 0027_Grace 2022.08.31
165 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.30
164 Student Joopro: Teacher Cams 0638_Cams 2022.08.30
163 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley file 0008_Ashley 2022.08.30
162 Student Larry: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.30
161 Student Eddie: Teacher Camille 0024_Camille 2022.08.30
160 Student Minhwan: Teacher Camille 0024_Camille 2022.08.30
159 Student Minhwan: Teacher Camille 0024_Camille 2022.08.30
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157 Student Mark: Teacher Camille 0024_Camille 2022.08.30
156 Student Evan: Teacher Ashley file 0008_Ashley 2022.08.29
155 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.29
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153 Student Chester: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.27
152 Student Rahee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.26
151 Student Yehee: Teacher Ashley file 0008_Ashley 2022.08.26
150 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.08.26
149 Student Dana: Teacher Grace 0027_Grace 2022.08.26
148 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.25
147 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.25
146 Student Joy: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.08.25
» Student Brian: Teacher Rach 0001_Rach 2022.08.25
144 Student Ayoon: Teacher Rach 2 file 0001_Rach 2022.08.25
143 Student Evan: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.24
142 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.24
141 Student Dana: Teacher Grace 0027_Grace 2022.08.24
140 Student Joopro: Teacher Cams 0638_Cams 2022.08.23
139 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.23
138 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.23
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131 Student Joy: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.08.18
130 Student Ayoon: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.08.18
129 Student Brian: Teacher Rach 0001_Rach 2022.08.18
128 Student Minhwan: Teacher Camille 0024_Camille 2022.08.18
127 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.08.17
126 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.17
125 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.16
124 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.16
123 Student Joopro: Teacher Cams 0638_Cams 2022.08.16
122 Student Larry: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.08.16
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