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2022.09.12 11:33

Student Leo-Teacher Mary

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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level    High -beginner
   2022.09.11 06:30 Korean time
Topic Making questions with "when"


Leo has gradually gain confidence while speaking at pace,rhythm and flow of her speech has improved significantly however she still need to expand her vocabulary because sometimes she only know how to say it in Korean and that keeps blocking her to express her ideas fluently .

Please review our lessons and Vocabulary :

Lotus- a tropical plant with large, flat leaves that float on the surface of lakes and pools and large round flowers with layers of petals

Lotus root- An underwater Asian root vegetable, with a shape similar to a long squash, which may grow up to four feet in length

Harvest - the process or period of gathering in crops.


check the grammar errors and review past tenses

you said: My mom always tell me to keep quiet

correct: My mom always told me to be quiet.

you said: yesterday we buy lunchbox

correct: yesterday we bought lunchbox

you said: I'm cleaning to the dentist

correct: I went to the dentist to get my teeth clean

you said: I took my teeth to the dentist

correct: my dentist pulled my tooth out

Pronunciation :

​please practice these following






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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
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220 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.20
219 Student Leo : Teacher Mary 0168_Mary 2022.09.20
218 Student Clide : Teacher Mary 0168_Mary 2022.09.20
217 Student Kyle: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.09.20
216 Student Rahee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.19
215 Student Yehee: Teacher Ashley file 0008_Ashley 2022.09.19
214 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley file 0008_Ashley 2022.09.19
213 Student Jailyn: Teacher Alyssa 0561_Alyssa 2022.09.19
212 Student Joopro: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2022.09.18
211 Student Chester: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.18
210 Student Namin: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.09.18
209 Student Minhwan: Teacher Camille 0024_Camille 2022.09.16
208 Student Joopro : Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2022.09.15
207 Student Joopro: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.09.15
206 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.15
205 Student Joopro: Teacher Alyssa 0561_Alyssa 2022.09.15
204 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.09.14
203 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.14
202 Student Joopro: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2022.09.13
201 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.13
200 Student Evan: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.12
199 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.12
» Student Leo-Teacher Mary 0168_Mary 2022.09.12
197 Student Chester: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.11
196 Student Evan: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.09
195 Student Rahee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.09
194 Student Yehee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.09
193 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.08
192 Student Joopro : Teacher Alyssa 0561_Alyssa 2022.09.08
191 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.09.07
190 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.07
189 Student Joopro: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2022.09.06
188 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.06
187 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.06
186 Student Larry: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.06
185 Student Joopro: Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2022.09.06
184 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.05
183 Student Chester: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.04
182 Student Namin: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.09.04
181 Student Leo-Teacher Mary 0168_Mary 2022.09.04
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179 Student Yehee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.03
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176 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.01
175 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.09.01
174 Student Minhwan: Teacher Camille 0024_Camille 2022.09.01
173 Student Leo: Teacher Camille file 0024_Camille 2022.09.01
172 Student Larry: Teacher Ashley file 0008_Ashley 2022.09.01
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