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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level High beginner
Date 2022.09.12 21:00 Korean time
Topic Talk Talk Talk 2: What should he do? 

Great Job today Celina~! You participated well in class and you listened to the teacher well. Today we had reading and a little speaking. Your pronunciation and intonation are good, but there are some words that you have mispronounced, please practice them in your free time. Overall, Keep up the great job~! We will have a speaking next class please prepare your advice for the problem.


You said: He is forgetful easy so he's memo something.

Correct: He forgets something easily, so he should write in the memo the important things.


You said: He do write something full memo and diary.

Correct: He should write it in a memo or diary.


You said: Before my mom and dad is 20 something that was fad is coming again.

Correct: When my mom and dad were in their 20's the fad before is coming back again.


You said: My friend is clean the board and after lunchtime she is cleaning board and draw picture at the board again and after she's cleaning she's mad because she's cleaning the board again.

Correct: My friend cleaned the board and after lunch, she cleaned the board and drew a picture and then she cleaned it again and she got mad because she cleaned the board again.


Pronunciation: (Please practice these words)




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