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2022.09.20 14:11

Student Clide : Teacher Mary

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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level High-beginner
Date 2022.09.18 14:00 Korean time
Topic Talking about Time


You tends to stick to short yes/no answers, but I hope that you can try to add more details when they are speaking although sometimes it's difficult for you to exapan your answers due to lack of vocabulary but you're still trying your best to speak in English. We need to review basic grammar such as "Subject+verb+object" sometimes you still think of Korean grammar patter. Anyway pronunciation is improving! good job :)

Please review our lessons and Vocabulary :


Free meal



​fast food

easy meal


check the grammar errors and review

you said: Yes I do met my friends last week (past tense)

correct: Yes I did met my friends last week

you said: I take a shave everyday

correct: I do shave everyday

you said: If I leave work

correct: If I finished my work

you said: I drive car to house and work

correct : I drive a car everyday to work

you said: I'm alone for dinner

correct: I eat dinner alone

you said : she has dinner at company

correct: she eat her dinner in her company

Pronunciation :

​please practice these following








You're pronunciation is improving keep it up!

Class Feedback

Check your feedback here after class

List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
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201 Student Lucias : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.06.09
200 Student Ashley : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.06.09
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