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2022.10.25 20:43

Student Jay: Teacher Lilymay

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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level High Beginner to Pre-intermediate
Date 10/25, 19:20-20:10 Korean Time
Topic Conversation
  1. Speaking

You said: Corona pandemic

Better way to say it: COVID-19 pandemic

You said: current

Better way to say it: present-day / The house we live in today./ The house we live in now.

You said: Rental cost has risen as well./ Rental cost has been rising as well.

Better way to say it: Rental cost has gone up as well. / Rental cost has skyrocketed as well./ Rental

cost has been skyrocketing as well.

  1. Grammar

“They has a strong security.” = They have a strong security

“When I listen to question once” = “When I listen to the question once

“I also enjoys spending time with my family.” = I also enjoy spending time with my family.

“My favorite room is living room.” = My favorite room is the living room.

“It usually takes about one hours. = “It usually takes about one hour.

“We have to stay living room together.” = We have to stay in the living room together.

There is some different from where I grew up.” = There are some differences from where I grew up.

“these is some of similarities and differences” = these are some of the similarities and differences…

“I like to enjoy the city view.” = I enjoy the city view.

“All of us interest in finding a home.” = All of us are interested in finding a home.

“Housing price getting rising a lot.” = Housing price has been increasing a lot.

  1. Pronunciation

perfect = /per-fekt/ now /per-pekt/

finish = /fi-nish/ not /fi-ni-shi/

great = /greyt/ not /gi-reyt/

similarities = /si-mi-la-ri-teez/

larger  = /lar-jer/

risen = /ri-zen/ not /ray-zen/

Overall Feedback:

Continue conversing in English, Jay. Remember, the present perfect tense is used to show an action that happened in the past that is directly related to the present, have/has and past participle of the verb like in the sentence: The rental cost has skyrocketed.


Present perfect continuous on the other hand is formed with have/has been and the -ing form of the verb. We normally use the present perfect continuous to emphasize that something is still continuing in the present: The rental cost has been skyrocketing.

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List of Articles
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» Student Jay: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.10.25
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Activity Ranking

Rank    PSM Teachers Point
Top 1 0345_Mie 109019
Top 2 0482_Lilymay 71125
Top 3 0382_Jo 28996
Top 4 0341_Gee 21820
Top 5 0024_Camille 17402
Top 6 0168_Mary 11004
Top 7 0564_Amy 5971
Top 8 0027_Grace 4779
Top 9 0285_Jay 3705
Top 10 0375_Star 3360