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2022.11.06 14:53

Student Jaewon: Teacher Gee

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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level A2/ Low Beginner
Date 2022.11.06 10:00 Korean time
Topic Would you rather?






-Water rafting

-Jack of all trades






1. You said: I like sports because for my health.

Better way to say it : I like sports to have a healthy body

(Or) I am not a sportsperson but I do like some sports.


2. You said: I never try bungee jumping.

Better way to say it: I never tried bungee jumping. (Or) I haven't tried bungee jumping


3. You said: I'm no problem with escalator or elevator.

Better way to say: I have no problem with the escalator and elevator.


4. You said: Would you rather make food or buying food?

Better way to say/ask it: Would you rather cook food in the house or eat out in a restaurant?


5. You said: Are you a good cooker?

Better way to ask: Are you a good cook?


6. You said: I would rather live in the mountain , I like the good air, good smell from tree and peace.

Better way to say it: I would rather live in the mountain, I like the fresh air, the good smell of the trees and it's peaceful.


Over-all Feedback

I would like to see Jaewon speaking English in class more often to communicate his needs, for example, to ask for help or to answer a question. He often seems shy when speaking English however, he is trying to use gestures and slowly construct sentences or questions using “would you rather? “ in class. Jaewon is able to understand and use a variety of question words using “Do†and “Doesâ€. He works hard to understand and use new forms in context. I encouraged you to Keep focusing on improving your vocabulary skills and speaking. Very well done!




Class Feedback

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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
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