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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level  High-beginner
Date 2022.11.28 21:00 Korean time
Topic Reading: What is it? 

You did an awesome job Celina~! Your pronunciation and intonation are great. Thank you for sharing your opinion and ideas about Global warming. It was really nice to hear your answers. There are just a few corrections to your grammar. Below are the corrections. Keep up the great job~!


You said: 0-0 , no win or no lose.

You can say: It's a tie.


You said: I sleeping and blanket I kicked the blanket and fall down, so I can't cover the blanket and no heater so I'm cold.

Correct: I kicked my blanket while I was sleeping that's why it fell down, I wasn't able to pick it up and there's no heater so it was cold.


You said: Sometimes I'm worried about my future, sometimes I think I adult earth all desert and only eat corn and potatoes.

Correct: Sometimes I'm worried about my future because I think when I become an adult the earth will be a desert and we can only eat corn and potatoes.


You said: I do stop global warming. I effort to not use plastic cup so I go out and I don't take plastic bottles I take tumbler and minus 300 won.

Correct: To stop global warming, I don't use a plastic cup. For example, when I go out I don't use plastic bottles instead I use a tumbler and I can save 300 won at the same time.





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461 Student Ga-In: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2023.04.03
460 Student Julia : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.04.03
459 Student Jaehee: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.03
458 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2023.04.03
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452 Student Jaehee: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.04
451 Student Jack : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.04.04
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449 Student Jaehee: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.05
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446 Student Lucias : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.04.05
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442 Student Jack : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.04.06
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431 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2023.04.10
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424 Student Kevin : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.04.11
423 Student Jaehee: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.11
422 Student Jack : Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2023.04.11
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