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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level High Beginner
Date 2/06, 13:00-13:50 Korean Time
Topic Babies
  1. Speaking

You said: the connection not nice

Better way to say it: the connection is not good


You said: I want to do a challenge different from others.

Better way to say it: I wanted to do a unique challenge.


You said: in personal

Better way to say it: personally


You said: she is the last

Better way to say it: she is the youngest


  1. Vocabulary

bold idea


  1. Grammar

“I’m going to busy during this week.” =I’m going to be busy this week.

“my elder son” = my eldest son

after goes time” = “as time goes by

“I cheered up them.” = I cheered them up.

“All of babies have pure.” = All babies are pure.

repeat tune” = repeated tune

“When I grew my children” = When I raised my children

“be apart their mom” = be separated from their mom


  1. Pronunciation

finished = /fi-nisht/ not /fi-ni-shed/

puberty = /pyu-ber-ti/ not /pa-ber-ti/


  1. Writing


A family get a taxi to go to a travel. get a car. The father drive to the destination and they arrive a hotl. After then they tuor the area by bus. They enjoy the sightseeing.

  • A family went on a vacation. They travelled by car. The father drove to their destination. They arrived at their hotel. After that, they toured the area by bus. They enjoyed sightseeing.


A baby slept alone. He woke up becase he was hugry. So his mom rushed him and went to kitchen. She gave his milk and he felt satisfied. And then he fell asleep again.

  • A baby was sleeping in his crib. He woke up because he was hungry. His mom rushed to his side and took him to the kitchen. She gave him some milk and was satisfied. He then fell asleep again.


Overall Feedback:

Great job in sharing what happened in your “challenge activity”, Jiyoung. Keep them coming. J


Class Feedback

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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
471 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.12
470 Student Dean: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.12.12
469 Student Marie: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.12.12
468 Student Fay: Teacher Rach 0001_Rach 2022.12.10
467 Student Rahee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.09
466 Student Yehee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.09
465 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.08
464 Student Ayoon: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.12.08
463 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.07
462 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.12.07
461 Student Dean: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.12.07
460 Student Jaewon: Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2022.12.07
459 Student Joopro: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2022.12.06
458 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.06
457 Student Hye-In: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2022.12.06
456 Student Ga-In: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2022.12.06
» Student Jiyoung: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.12.06
454 Student Braden: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2022.12.06
453 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.05
452 Student Lia: Teacher Grace 0027_Grace 2022.12.05
451 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.05
450 Student Kyle: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.12.05
449 Student Dean: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.12.05
448 Student Elina: Teacher Grace 0027_Grace 2022.12.05
447 Student Fay: Teacher Rach 0001_Rach 2022.12.04
446 Student Rahee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.02
445 Student Yehee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.12.02
444 Student Joopro: Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2022.12.01
443 Student Ayoon: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.12.01
442 Student Joopro: Teacher Alyssa 0561_Alyssa 2022.11.30
441 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.11.30
440 Student Dean: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.11.30
439 Student Marie: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.11.30
438 Student Joopro: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2022.11.29
437 Student Jenny: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.11.29
436 Student Max: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.11.29
435 Student Hye-In: Teacher Rach 1 file 0001_Rach 2022.11.29
434 Student Ga-In: Teacher Rach 2 file 0001_Rach 2022.11.29
433 Student Jiyoung: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.11.29
432 Student Jaewon: Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2022.11.29
431 Student Evan: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.11.28
430 Student Celina: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.11.28
429 Student Kyle: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.11.28
428 Student Allen: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.11.28
427 Student Dean: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2022.11.28
426 Student Arahant: Teacher Rach 0001_Rach 2022.11.28
425 Student Fay: Teacher Rach 0001_Rach 2022.11.26
424 Student Rahee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.11.25
423 Student Yehee: Teacher Ashley 0008_Ashley 2022.11.25
422 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2022.11.24
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Top 4 0341_Gee 26771
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