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2023.04.24 20:28

Student Julia : Teacher Mie

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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level Middle Beginner
Date 2023.04.24 19:00 Korean time
Topic Speaking Class: Side by Side 1; Pages 25~26

Speaking: You did a great job today, Julia. You answered all the activities actively and answered in complete sentences. Please take note of these corrections:


You said: I am study English.

Correct way to say: I am studying English.


You said: I’m playing the soccer.

Correct way to say: I’m playing soccer.




clarinet – a tube-shaped musical instrument that is played by blowing through a single reed

trumpet – a brass musical instrument consisting of a metal tube with one narrow end, into which the player blows, and one wide end. Three buttons are pressed in order to change notes.

checkers – a game for two people, each with twelve circular pieces that they move on a board with black and white squares

tic tac toe – a game in which two players take turns putting O’s or X’s in a pattern of nine squares, trying to get three O’s or X’s in a straight line

keypal – a person with whom one regularly exchanges emails or text messages for fun

feeding – an occasion when a baby has something to eat or drink


Pronunciation: You pronounced almost all the words correctly, Julia. I just want you to practice this word:


planting /plan-tuhng/

titles /tai-tlz/

clarinet /kleh-ruh-net/

keypal /kee-pal/


Overall Feedback: Overall, you did a great job, Julia. You answered in complete sentences and ask questions too. Keep it up! Remember the things that you’ve learned today. Just keep practicing, Julia. See you in our next class. ^^

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List of Articles
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Top 2 0482_Lilymay 104348
Top 3 0382_Jo 38594
Top 4 0341_Gee 26553
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