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2023.06.24 21:36

Student Jaewon: Teacher Gee

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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)

Middle Beginner


((06/18/23: 10:00 Korean Time)

Topic TV Commercial

Speaking/ Pronunciation/ Vocabulary

The sentence may be simple or expanded, but Jaewon is capable of speaking both. It is, however, important for him to think carefully about the words he uses before he speaks them. There is no doubt that maintaining a wide vocabulary is one of the most significant things he can do. It is important that you continue to do so in the future



  1. Subtle- fine, nice

  2. frighten- scary

  3. persuade- encourage, motivate

  4. appealing- interesting

  5. factual- truth, based on fact.



  1. You said: Women , mothers can be easy to brainwash of commercials

    Correct: WoWomen and mothers can easily be brainwashed by commercials.

  2. You said: Billboards at the road disturd the drivers when are driving.

    Correct: Billboards distract drivers on the road.

  3. You said: alcohol is not okay but tobacco is okay

    Correct: Alcohol is okay but tobacco is not allowed.

    Overall Feedback

It was a lively discussion and role-play that took place during class, but Jaewon should be familiar with some of the terminology that was used during class. In spite of this, he may find it beneficial to use the new words as often as possible in order to better understand the corrections subsequently as a result of having learned them as a whole. Your efforts should be kept up.


Class Feedback

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49 Student Jaewon: Teacher Gee 0341_Gee 2023.03.18
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