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2024.04.04 20:30

Student Lucas: Teacher Mie

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Class Feedback (수업 피드백)
Level Middle Beginner
Date 4/4/2024 (8:00-8:25 PM Korean Time)

Side by Side 1; Pages 117~119


Speaking: You did a really great job today, Lucas. Very good job in trying to answer in compete sentences today. Keep it up!




mechanic – someone whose job is repairing the engines of vehicles and other machines

salesperson – a person whose job is selling things in a shop or directly to customers

superintendent – a person who is in charge of work done in a particular department, office, etc., or who is responsible for keeping a building or place in good condition

cash register a machine in a shop or other business that records sales and into which money received is put


Pronunciation: Great job in pronouncing all the words correctly today, Lucas. Keep it up!


Overall Feedback: Overall, great job, Lucas. You did a wonderful job in answering all the activities today. Great job in sharing today, Lucas. You are more and more confident every time. Keep it up! See you at our next class. ^^

Class Feedback

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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
25 Student Leon: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.09.29
24 Student Lucas: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.07.25
23 Student Leon: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.07.25
22 Student Leo: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.07.08
21 Student Emily: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.06.18
20 Student Leon: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.06.17
19 Student Lucas: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.06.13
18 Student Leon: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.06.13
17 Student Emily: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.06.11
16 Students Leon: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.06.10
15 Student Emily: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.04.30
14 Student Lucas: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.04.25
13 Student Emily: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.04.23
12 Student Lucas: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.04.18
11 Student Emily: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.04.16
10 Student Emily: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.04.09
» Student Lucas: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.04.04
8 Student Emily: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.04.02
7 Student Emily: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.03.26
6 Student Ashley: Teacher Mie 0345_Mie 2024.03.22
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Activity Ranking

Rank    PSM Teachers Point
Top 1 0345_Mie 82929
Top 2 0482_Lilymay 55925
Top 3 0382_Jo 24794
Top 4 0341_Gee 18673
Top 5 0024_Camille 15868
Top 6 0168_Mary 9744
Top 7 0564_Amy 5798
Top 8 0027_Grace 4432
Top 9 0285_Jay 3560
Top 10 0375_Star 3354