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2022.08.15 19:46

Student Joopro: Teacher Cams

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학습목표 (Preparing Lessons)
Level High Beginner to Pre-Intermediate
Date August 16, 2022    9:30 to 9:55 pm Ph time
Topic Let's hear some MUSIC


1.  What types of music do you like/dislike?

2.  How do certain kinds of music make you feel?

3.  What types of music come from your country?

4.  What’s your favorite song/album/artist?

5.  What music is popular in your country right now?

6. What kind of music do you listen to when you want to dance?

7. Is there a certain song or type of music that makes you really energetic?

8.  When was the last time you bought a song or album?

9.  What kind of music do you listen to when you are sad?

10. What music did your parents listen to?



1. Elevator music:

Soft, pleasant but boring music often played quietly in public spaces (such as elevators)


“I wish they would stop playing this boring elevator music. It’s putting me to sleep! Why can’t they play something fun like jazz or rock?”

2. Sound like a broken record:

Someone who repeats the same thing again and again


“Mom, I know! I heard you the first time… you sound like a broken record. I’ll clean my room after dinner.”

“I hate to sound like a broken record but I’m going to say it again: context is everything when learning new vocabulary!”

3. Jam session:

Improvised music in an informal setting


“The band has an amazing jam session right in the middle of the concert. You know they are true musicians when they can improvise like that!”

“Hey, there’s a great jam session happening on the other side of the park. Let’s go check it out.”

4. Blow your own trumpet:

Proudly boasting about your own achievements, talents, or successes


“That’s an interesting question. I don’t want to blow my own trumpet but I think one of my unique talents is my ability to understand other’s, even if I don’t have the same opinion or if I don’t agree. It makes it easy for me to find common ground with others.”

“Bill is always blowing his own trumpet. I’m kind of tired of hearing how “great” he is.”

5. Music to my ears:

Good news; information that makes someone happy


“I passed??? Oh, that’s music to my ears!!! I was so nervous about the exam!”

6. Face the music:

To accept unpleasant consequences or an unpleasant reality


“I know you’re upset about losing this client. It’s a very big client to lose but it’s time for us to face the music and go forward. We’ll have to work hard for a while until we can sign on someone new.”

7. Play by ear:

To perform (or play an instrument) without practice or preparation; indicate uncertainty in a situation


“My brother has never taken a piano lesson in his life but he can play anything. He just plays by ear.”

“We’re not as prepared as we should be for this presentation, so we’ll just have to play it by ear.”

8. As fit as a fiddle:

To be in good health


“We just got all the medical reports back and you’re as fit as a fiddle. Keep exercising regularly, eat well and you’ll stay that way.”

For more information, you can watch this:


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