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2022.08.15 23:52

Student Gale: Teacher Rach

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학습목표 (Preparing Lessons)
Date 2022.08.15 21:00 Korean time
Topic Speaking Class: Practice Using Verbs through Videos


A. Please answer the following:

- What did you do today?

​- How was your weekend?

​- What did you do?


- Please take note of your errors:

You said: Is the Arc out here?

Correct: Is the Arc near here?

You said: The man is a star on a film.

Correct: The man is a star of a film.

You said: Mr. Bean is behind the jewelry store.

Correct: Mr. Bean is near the jewelry store.


You said: You can buy ice cream the end park.

Correct: You can buy ice cream in the park.


You said: The golf ball at in the pipe.

Correct: The golf ball is in the pipe.

- Please pronounce the following:

- golf ball

- drain

- Eiffel Tower

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List of Articles
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