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학습목표 (Preparing Lessons)
Level Intermediate: B2/ Low to High Intermediate
Date 10/10, 19:20-20:10 Korean Time
Topic Future
  1. Vocabulary
  • self-driving – (adj) (of a vehicle) capable of traveling without input from a human operator
  • evolve –  (v) develop
  • implants – (n) a thing implanted in something else, especially a piece of tissue, prosthetic device, or other object implanted in the body.
  • genetics – (n) the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.
  • predict – (v) foresee
  1. Questions
  1. Do you think self-driving cars will become a reality in the near future?
  2. How do you think the smart phone will evolve in future?
  3. Will computers become smarter than humans one day? Is this a bad thing?
  4. Do you think that robots will be used to help with cooking and other housework?
  5. Will space tourism become a popular activity one day? Will you buy a ticket?
  6. Do you think brain implants will be used to make people smarter? Will you have one?
  7. Should we use our knowledge of genetics to improve the human species?
  8. Will human beings make contact with aliens during your lifetime?
  9. As technology improves in future, will there be any jobs left for humans?
  10. Do you predict there will be a third world war later this century?

Activity Ranking

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Top 2 0482_Lilymay 39849
Top 3 0382_Jo 19369
Top 4 0341_Gee 16888
Top 5 0024_Camille 14721
Top 6 0168_Mary 8767
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Top 8 0027_Grace 4082
Top 9 0285_Jay 3372
Top 10 0375_Star 3350