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학습목표 (Preparing Lessons)
Level Intermediate English: B1/ Pre-Intermediate to Low Intermediate
Date 11/9: 13:10-14:00 Korean Time
Topic Time
  1. Vocabulary
  • digital clock –  showing the time by means of displayed digits rather than hands or a pointer.
  • analog clock – a circular-faced clock with the numbers one to twelve around the outside and two hands, a shorter one to measure hours and a longer one to measure minutes..
  • deadline – (n) the latest time or date by which something should be completed.
  • anxiety – (n) a feeling of worry, nervousness,
  • obsession – (n) an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.


  1. Questions
  1. Why does time seem to pass more quickly as you get older?
  2. Do you wear a watch? How do you find out what time it is?
  3. Do prefer digital or analog clocks? Which are easier to read?
  4. How do you like to use your free time?
  5. Why do we set deadlines for work activities? Do you find them helpful?
  6. Is it important to get up and go to bed at the same time every day?
  7. How important is it to arrive on time when meeting another person?
  8. Do you ever feel anxiety about being late for something?
  9. How many times do you check the time every day? Is it an obsession?
  10. Do you ever waste time? Why do you think you do that?
  11. Do you have any good techniques for organizing your time?
  12. Would you say that you have enough free time?

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