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학습목표 (Preparing Lessons)
Level Intermediate: B2/ Low to High Intermediate
Date 1/30, 19:20-20:10 Korean Time
Topic Food
  1. Vocabulary
  • allergies – (n) sentitivity to food, dust, pollen, etc.
  • dish – (n) food
  • romantic (adj) characterized by the expression of love
  • cuisine – (n) a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment. (like a Korean cuisine)
  • cup of tea - not to your interests or tastes


  1. Questions
  1. Would you say you have a healthy diet?
  2. Are there any foods you really hate?
  3. Do you have any food allergies?
  4. What is your favorite dish?
  5. What would you cook for your partner on a romantic date?
  6. How often to you eat in restaurants? Is this a good way to eat?
  7. Do you enjoy desserts? What is your favorite?
  8. Do you agree that women are better cooks than men?
  9. Which nation’s cuisine is the best? Which is not your cup of tea?
  10. English food is terrible. Do you agree with this?

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