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학습목표 (Preparing Lessons)
Level High Beginner
Date 4/3, 13:00-13:50 Korean Time

22. When you sing, do you prefer to sing alone or in a group? Would you like to join a singing

group? Have you ever sung in front of a public audience?


23. Tell me about an unforgettable singing experience that you’ve had. Maybe it was a time that

you performed in public and something happened. Tell me all the details of that experience and why it’s so memorable.


24. You indicated in the background survey that you live with a roommate. Tell me the

characteristics of a good roommate and of someone whom you wouldn’t want to live with. Compare those two types of people.


25. I’d like to know about the issues people encounter when living with friends. What would be

the biggest problem that they face? What could be done to resolve the issue?


26. You indicated in the background survey that you listen to music. Describe your favorite

genre. Why do you like it? When and where do you listen to music? Give as many details as you can.

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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date
1198 Student Julia : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.10
1197 Student Ga-In: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.10
1196 Student Rainbow: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.08
1195 Student Fay: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.08
1194 Student Ashley : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.07
1193 Student Lucias : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.07
1192 Student Rainbow: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.06
1191 Student Lydia : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.06
1190 Student Kai : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.06
1189 Student Yeoul : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.06
1188 Student Jack : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.06
1187 Student Ruby : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.06
1186 Student Hael: Teacher Gee file 0341_Gee 2023.04.06
1185 Student Ayoon: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.06
1184 Student Tim: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2023.04.05
1183 Student Julie : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.05
1182 Student Lydia : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.05
1181 Student Kai : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.05
1180 Student Yeoul : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.05
1179 Student Lucias : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.05
1178 Student Lucas : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.05
1177 Student Ga-In: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.05
1176 Student Daisy: Teacher Rach 1 0001_Rach 2023.04.05
1175 Student Jaehee: Teacher Lilymay file 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.04
1174 Student Kevin : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.04
1173 Student Lydia : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.04
1172 Student Kai : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.04
1171 Student Yeoul : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.04
1170 Student Jack : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.04
1169 Student Ruby : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.04
1168 Student Kevin : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.04
1167 Student Bryant: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.04
1166 Student Tim: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2023.04.03
1165 Student Sun: Teacher Mary file 0168_Mary 2023.04.03
1164 Student Leo: Teacher Mary file 0168_Mary 2023.04.03
1163 Student Jaehee: Teacher Lilymay file 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.03
1162 Student Julie : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.03
1161 Student Lydia : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.03
1160 Student Kai : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.03
1159 Student Yeoul : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.03
1158 Student Ga-In: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.03
1157 Student Julia : Teacher Mie file 0345_Mie 2023.04.03
» Student Jiyoung: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.03
1155 Student Sally: Teacher Lilymay 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.03
1154 Student Joseph: Teacher Lilymay file 0482_Lilymay 2023.04.03
1153 Student Joopro: Teacher Jo 0382_Jo 2023.04.02
1152 Student Rainbow: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.01
1151 Student Fay: Teacher Rach file 0001_Rach 2023.04.01
1150 Student Peter : Teacher Mary file 0168_Mary 2023.03.31
1149 Student Oscar: Teacher Mary file 0168_Mary 2023.03.31
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Activity Ranking

Rank    PSM Teachers Point
Top 1 0345_Mie 152249
Top 2 0482_Lilymay 103677
Top 3 0382_Jo 38267
Top 4 0341_Gee 26532
Top 5 0024_Camille 18533
Top 6 0168_Mary 12412
Top 7 0564_Amy 6025
Top 8 0027_Grace 5151
Top 9 0285_Jay 3791
Top 10 0561_Alyssa 3421