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2022.10.10 14:42

Teacher Demi

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가입인사 쓰기 (Greeting)
1. 간단한 개인 소개 부탁 드립니다. 일, 취미, 특기 등
(Give a short self-introduction)
Good day! I am Teacher Demi. I had been teaching Chinese and Korean students since 2018. Most students find the English language difficult however difficult doesn't mean it can't be fun. I always make sure my students enjoy the class and boost their confidence in speaking. "Practice makes perfect" is a saying I always remind my students. Make sure to apply what you learn in daily conversations, I am just here if you need someone to talk to in order for you to practice English. We can talk about Korean dramas and movies. We can have conversations about our daily lives or gossip about someone (just kidding). Maybe we can just talk about anything under the sun. 
Looking forward to meeting you, students! :) 
2. 학생(일반회원)이세요? 혹은 선생님이세요?
(Are you a Student or a Teacher?)
I am a Teacher.
3. 필선모는 무료 중개 커뮤니티라는 거 알고 있으시죠? ^^
(Do you know that PSM is a free match-up community? ^^)



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List of Articles
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76 Introduction 1 Jane 2022.10.19
75 Hello! let me tell you about myself 1 Pets 2022.10.17
74 Rojane Apolona 1 file Jane 2022.10.12
» Teacher Demi 1 file Demii 2022.10.10
72 English 1 file Ghen 2022.10.07
71 Teacher Taylor's Introduction 1 file Mae 2022.09.27
70 Meet Teacher Flowne_0666 2 file TeacherFlowne 2022.09.24
69 Teacher Joy_0667 2 file Julsky 2022.09.23
68 T. Kat ( self introduction) 1 file 0665_Kat 2022.09.22
67 ESL Teacher 4 file Cristina 2022.09.22
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